вторник, 7 января 2020 г.


The surest way to fix these errors is to update or uninstall this application. It is recommended less experienced users try one of the more automatic solutions before using this. Upon rebooting, the mapping will show in Explorer in the list of hard drives. Find the name in System Properties. Then press the Plus button to assign the mapping and it will appear in the main window. Home Process Directory Blog About. vsubst

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Click to load comments. Enter the vsubsy letter you want to map the folder to as Driveletter including colon. Process Library is the unique and indispensable process listing database since Now countingprocesses and 55, DLLs. The program is portable and only KB in size. Keep in mind that by default, the virtual drives are not preserved after restarting the system.

Otherwise it could be a Trojan. This can be done via the registry. The steps required for this are described in the documentation file that comes with the product. Worked out great for me! Looks are far from being impressive, hinting that the developer focused on the functionality of the product rather than aesthetics. Double click on the name and vubst Value data enter the Subst command like above. Make sure to enclose the folder path in quotes if it contains spaces. Checking the box at the bottom will silently run Visual Subst during startup to assign the drive letters.

Here are some ways to do it.

vSubst - The Portable Freeware Collection

It is recommended less experienced users try one of the more automatic solutions before using this. Make sure to use a csubst sign instead of vsubzt colon for Drive. Type Subst and as an argument supply the drive letter you want to map the folder to, then add the full path to the folder. Wayne 10 years ago. Its main purpose is to make drives mapped in Subst persistent so they survive a reboot.

Thus, a simple and straightforward interface presents the options along with a short set of instructions.


However, there is the possibility to make them persistent so that the configuration survives this operation. Therefore, the delete command is only needed to remove the mapping immediately without restarting. The Net command in Windows is able to view, edit or manage many aspects related to the network.

vSubst - create virtual drives

To avoid wasting time in order to get to a particular file third party developers came up with various solutions, and one of them is the creation of virtual drives that provide access to a user defined folder. Non-system processes like vsubst.

The new mapping will immediately appear in the substituted folders list. March 31, Freeware. If you want the mapping to work all the time, a simple solution is to run Subst automatically during every boot.

Close the registry editor and reboot the computer as this key is only read during startup.


You can easily make your own batch script with just a couple of lines but this ready made script called Psubst is more Advanced. Website protected worldwide by official registration.


The Persistent button will place an entry for vSubst in the Users Run startup key in the registry, similar to the manual method above. That leaves several free letters that could be used for this purpose.

Csubst Forums 1 month ago. Based on 2 user reviews Post your own review.


After launching vSubst, select the desired drive letter to map the folder to, then click Add.

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