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aix2dos ; dos2aix
AIX 5L dos2unix dos2aix unix2dos aix2dos It should be bos. Once you have connected to a system, you can pop back and forth between a unix login session and DOS with a function key.
I stand to be corrected, however! It should be bos. These settings are called out in FTP and probably is some properties or options settings for your transfer software.
You might be able to use them to do what you want.
The Tek-Tips staff will check this out and take appropriate action. If you install the LPP bos. GNU text utilities 1. I have a dos file named dosfile. It does provide logical disks on the unix host for the PC machine, and can even re-direct printer output, but dos not provide any other access for the PC to the UNIX host. Aix2xos 5L dos2unix dos2aix unix2dos aix2dos Where the h We're on aix 4. I don't think it would have been that difficult to implement.

I havent used these. I've done that before. How can I strip these characters out of the file?
Special characters (^M)
I found an equivalent utility tofrodos here. We have DOS users running things on the unix hosts aix2dks the time without even knowing that's what's happening.
I used it back in ' July 26, July 23, AIX 5L dos2unix dos2aix unix2dos aix2dos There are not in that lpp. Click Here to join Tek-Tips and talk with other members! Students Click Here Join Us! This especially useful when using Postscript printers with DOS programs that don't support Postscript Terms of Service - Privacy Policy - Contact. I want to be good, is that not enough?
Converting Text Files for Use on DOS or AIX
A trick method is to have two mount points for your transfer. Very nice aid2dos back then, it must have improved quite a bit in the past 4 years. However, the tofrodos seems a possible suitable alternative. Sat, 09 Jul Posting Guidelines Promoting, selling, recruiting, coursework and thesis posting is forbidden. You can handle this manually by taking your text file, running it through the DOS2UNIX or UNIX2DOS command, which maps these characters, and then aix2doos them binary, or, you can simply set the transfer software from binary to ascii or text when moving text files and put it back to binary for data files.
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